Halaman ini akan memuat koleksi sejarah lisan kami.
Selain mengumpulkan dokumen dan artefak yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan dan pengalaman queer di Indonesia, QIA berencana mengumpulkan rekaman sejarah lisan. Sejarah lisan ini akan dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan generasi queer Indonesia yang menjadi saksi kejadian-kejadian penting di sejarah Indonesia
Merekam sejarah lisan akan memberi kesempatan kepada orang-orang di komunitas queer untuk menceritakan kisah hidup mereka dan membahas topik-topik tertentu sesuai dengan pendapat dan keinginan mereka.
Kami harap proyek pengumpulan sejarah lisan ini akan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan besar, seperti: Bagaimanakah sejarah queer di Indonesia? Kapan pergerakan queer di Indonesia dimulai? Kenapa pergerakan tersebut harus ada? Bagaimana cara individu dan kelompok queer memperjuangkan hak mereka? Siapa saja orang-orang dan komunitas LGBTQ+ di Indonesia? Bagaimana orang-orang queer di Indonesia berhubungan dengan agamanya, komunitasnya, dan lingkungannya? dan bagaimana komunitas-komunitas queer menghadapi dan menyintas pergolakan politik di Indonesia?
We realize that no one oral history cannot possibly to answer any or all of these questions. But we hope that through working to collect as many voices, stories and histories as possible, that we can begin the conversations to answer these questions and encourage others to do the same.
The challenge of documenting LGBTQ+ histories has been felt across the world, and issue of documentation faces particular challenges in Indonesia. Here our communities face numerous situations where the life experiences and narratives of LGBTQ+ groups and communities are actively being challenged, erased, and marginalised from the collective memory of Indonesia. The presence of queer groups in history continues to fade and is in danger of disappearing. We hope that our project will encourage the memory institutions that exist in Indonesia to take the challenge of queer histories seriously rather than work to be complicit in marginalisation and silencing of these histories.
We hope that our oral history documentation project can be the first step in a proactive response to these problems. We hope that the collective voices of queer communities in Indonesia can reveal shared truths about our communal history and through documenting various experiences throughout the archipelago that will be able to inspire, inform, and shape the next generation.
Documenting the oral history of individuals is a collaboration between the participant and our volunteer interviewers. They work collaboratively to record these personal histories. The collaboration will be most successful if it has been developed with a sense of security (and comfort) by both parties. QIA works with our team to foster a spirit of solidarity and an attitude of mutual respect.