Beginning with the title ‘Paraikatte’ for three editions before to ‘GAYa Celebes Kie Media’. There were 16 editions published that discussed gay and transpuan issues and topics with a focus on communities in and around Makassar, South Sulawesi. Currently, QIA holds 15 editions.
Sekilas Pengalaman Pekerja Lapangan (Pekerja Outreach),
Artikel: Suka Duka Dari Outreach Cerita Asal Usul Waria Di Sulawesi Selatan,
Pengantar Sampul: Ardhi Setiyanto,
Profil: Sejenak Bersama ‘Carla’,
Kontak E-Mail AIDS,
Pengetahuan Penyakit Menular Seksual: Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS) – Gonnorhoe,
Cerpen: Selimut Derita,
Anekdot: Yang Unik-Unik Di “Kampus Hijau”,
Puisi: Harapanku,
Teka-Teki Silang