The Queer Indonesia Archive is a digital archiving project committed to the collection, preservation and celebration of material reflecting the lives and experiences of queer Indonesia.
The project is volunteer run, community focused and non-profitOur News
Online Call Opens: “Terhubung Lewat Hal-Hal yang Tinggal” Online Residency
Setelah melakukan kunjungan lapangan, menerima donasi materi yang berkaitan dengan sejarah queer di Indonesia dan mengolahnya secara digital, tahun ini QIA menginisiasi rangkaian workshop dan residensi online. Melalui program ini, peserta residensi akan berdiskusi tentang pendekatan-pendekatan arsip queer dan merefleksikan
Refleksi Beby tentang kisah Yasmin Purba
“Aku anak yang keras kepala,” ucap Yasmin Purba yang kemudian mengidentifikasi diri sebagai seorang lesbian
Perjalanan Panjang Menyusuri Identitas Diri
Berada di baris terdepan dalam memperjuangankan hak Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender (LGBT), Yuli Rustinawati punya banyak cerita menarik di balik kiprahnya. Dari seorang anak kecil yang hobi main layangan, eksponen reformasi 1998 ini tumbuh menjadi aktivis yang gigih menggalang
Letters from Ger – An Introduction
Queer feelings cannot be detached from the complexity of how queerness is categorized in history, which labels it as a failed existence, or even nonexistence.
Featured Items
Current Exhibitions
Queer Zines
of the 80s, 90s and 00s
Small-scale, independently published magazines were a dominant medium of expression for the Indonesian lesbian and gay communities before the advent of the internet. Beginning with the first publication in 1982 and ending with a slow transition to the internet by the mid-2000s, for two decades these magazines connected communities all over Indonesia and allowed them to imagine new futures and new possibilities for themselves and people like them.
Jakarta in the 90s
An Incomplete History
Jakarta in the 90s was a city of contradiction; embodying both the conservatism of the Orde Baru regime and the rapid changes brought by unfettered capitalist expansion and globalisation. These excesses would eventually end in the Asian Financial crisis and the overthrow of the Orde Baru regime in 1998. This exhibition will allow a portal into the lives of the queer communities that partied and struggled throughout the decade that would change Indonesia forever.
& Queers in Indonesia:
A history of HIV/AIDS and the queer community response based on materials from Queer Indonesia Archive
When the first known AIDS-related death in Indonesia was reported in 1987, the spectre of the virus had already been cast across the archipelago. In response to the lack of government concern about their communities, queer community leaders took it upon themselves to communicate the risks and repercussions of HIV. This exhibition showcases the story of HIV in Indonesia throughout the first two decades of the epidemic with a focus on the response from queer communities - a story of resilience, death, humour and ultimately hope.
Academia & Research
A library list and materials related to academic writing and researchSubmit Materials
If you think that you have items that might be of interest to the Archive click belowQIA is interested in all materials that can be digitised. This may include personal papers and organisational records; periodicals; books; magazines; zines; posters; photographs; films; video recordings; sound recordings (oral history, radio programs, conference speeches events, etc.); newspaper clippings; theses; articles; pamphlets; flyers; invitations; cards; badges; T-shirts; banners; objects; born digital objects; websites; blogs, etc.