GAYa NUSANTARA Magazine is the name of a magazine that was originally published by the Lesbian and Nusantara Style Working Group (KKLGN) in November 1987. Since 1994, the magazine with the same name has been published by GAYa NUSANTARA (GN). We currently hold 132 editions of GAYa NUSANTARA from November 1987 to December 2005.
Sekapur Sirih,
Gayung Bersambut,
Kover kita/Pengalaman Sejati: Warsono VWanarji: Si Feminin yang Jadi Maskulin,
Keluhan Kita: Antara Pacar dan Keluaria,
Homologi: Dilema Gay Beragama oleh Tuono,
Wawancara: Percintaan Arab-Yahudi,
Surat buat Iwan oleh Aldi,
Sahabat Kita: Sian oleh Ramli,
HotNews Seputar GN,
Info AIDS & PMS: Laporan dari 10th International Conference on AIDS,
Perpustakaan GN,
Summary in English