Online Call Opens: “Terhubung Lewat Hal-Hal yang Tinggal” Online Residency
Setelah melakukan kunjungan lapangan, menerima donasi materi yang berkaitan dengan sejarah queer di Indonesia dan mengolahnya secara digital, tahun ini QIA menginisiasi rangkaian workshop dan residensi online. Melalui program ini, peserta residensi akan berdiskusi tentang pendekatan-pendekatan arsip queer dan merefleksikan perannya dalam membuka percakapan tentang memori dan sejarah queer di
Refleksi Beby tentang kisah Yasmin Purba
“Aku anak yang keras kepala,” ucap Yasmin Purba yang kemudian mengidentifikasi diri sebagai seorang lesbian
Perjalanan Panjang Menyusuri Identitas Diri
Berada di baris terdepan dalam memperjuangankan hak Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender (LGBT), Yuli Rustinawati punya banyak cerita menarik di balik kiprahnya. Dari seorang anak kecil yang hobi main layangan, eksponen reformasi 1998 ini tumbuh menjadi aktivis yang gigih menggalang solidaritas bagi kelompok minoritas.
Letters from Ger – An Introduction
Queer feelings cannot be detached from the complexity of how queerness is categorized in history, which labels it as a failed existence, or even nonexistence.
Remembering Bunda Dorce – Indonesia’s first trans superstar
Dorce Gamalama breathed her last breath on the 16th of February 2022. Her figure as a multi-talented star must not only be remembered because it is part of the history of pop culture of our country, but also because Dorce’s life story is inseparable from the history and trajectory of
Broken Pencil Magazine explores the Zines in our collection
Survival and Revival: 40 Years of Queer Indonesian Zines
Queer Indonesia Archive Featured in Anotasi
Check out our article in the recently published Anotasi - Sejarah Edition
Vice Magazine features QIA
Vice magazine features Queer Indonesia Archive and the importance of the early gay publications in our collection.
QIA featured in Reuters
Queer Indonesia Archive was featured in an article by Stanley Widianto through Reuters.
Days with Nina
Inspired by the documents archived by Queer Indonesia Archive, “Days of Nina” is a fictional scrapbook that tells the story of a lesbian couple who found each other through a queer magazine.